One of my favorite things to do, is to design beautiful and functional spaces at a great value. My experience includes working with Residential Custom Home Builders and/or directly with Homeowners for new construction or remodels. Castle Kitchens and Interiors offers design services at no charge with a cabinet order from us. Samples are ordered for almost every single job, that way you take your samples shopping for countertops, decorative hardware and flooring. Advice for blueprint stage, suggestions for a remodel or detail cabinet designs for room after room in a new construction project. When inspiration comes while in the middle of a design, you may get 2-3 designs to chose from. After approval of final plans, a detail set of plans will be put together for installers, yours or mine. If it is possible, you will get plans laid out on the floor to help guide the plumbers, electricians and other contractors that will need to work around the cabinet plans. One person will work with you from the design concept, to sample selection, pricing, completion of the order and checking the acknowledgements, even be on site when cabinetry is delivered and following up with installers during installation. Contact me for a free consultation on how I can become your trusted cabinet source.
Freelance design plans
Castle Kitchens and Interiors offers freelance design work. Cabinetry plans from an experienced designer per your custom plans. Call or e-mail for more information. 719-481-6051